The Title Has Been Completed!

    Hello and Welcome back! We all know how important title sequences are and how they are essential to a movie. As I said in the last blog, I will show you our title so let me present to you the official title of “The Art of Smiling.”

In my last blog, “The Final Day of editing” I talked about our struggles in making this title and the several ideas we had for this title. I will include some pictures below of all the titles we had in mind, but did not end working out. So if you would like to read about those struggles and changes go read the last blog, because here I will be talking more about our final product and about our credits through the title sequence. 

As for the credits, Alexa had more “credit” for. (Get it. I know it's bad.) She found a list of the usual order that credits go in at the beginning of movies so we decided to base ours off of that and include the positions that we thought we needed. When she put them into the video, the first thing Desiree and I noticed were that they were too big and taking too much of the screen. Alexa was able to size them down and that both the position and person’s name was in the corner. We then decided on the top font to be "Georgia" and the bottom font "Avelia Book" and we did it in white so it was more visible to the viewer. However, in the flashback we decided to put it in pink since it made more contrast and was much more easy to watch. We also bolded the position at the top and left the person’s name normal, that way it also made a contrast. We then noticed that it was kind of awkward that the credits were staying in one corner and weren't moving at all. Alexa then realized that she could alternate the corners and so she did that to make it seem more natural. 

    So that was the overall process of our title and credits. It took us time as we would see which font we all liked, how big, where, what color, etc. I am very happy we finally reached a conclusion of how everything looks. I hope you enjoyed the title and see you soon!

                                                                               -Love, Lucy <3

Quote of the Day: “You're becoming a princess on the inside and now you look like one too.”- Rosie Gonzalez


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